El Hondo

38.172949, -0.776441

happening now

Jofre Sebastian en el Hondo

del 16 al 27 de octubre del 2023

artist website

EL Hondo wetland

Costa Blanca - Spain

El Hondo

38.172949, -0.776441

Contemplating the wetland El Hondo from the wooden tower, with every senses wild open. Birds are coming from a multitud of horizons, ambassadors of a peacful world without frontieres. Looking at the sunset Ouest, the ibis are passing by, the night is falling, Water and Soil smell good, gratitude !


People and Nature

a wooden hut as a symbol for the encounters


This is the story of a liminal place, a wooden hut at the end of the road, the junction between nature and culture, a journey for environmental and social healing. This story inspired by the Oika project created by the ecologist Rich Blundell, is an intend to regenerate the roots of the local community with the wetland through a collaborative Art practice involving memories, dreams, emotions, sensations and the creativity.


The collection of feathers at the hut is a very important resource to introduce species of birds and exchange memories of observations and encounters. Sometimes some villagers and travelers carry some feathers they have found on the floor. Feathers have this extraordinary power of a strong poetical meaning of lightness, perfection and fly.

Feather's Stories

exhibition at the hut in Januray 2023

listen to the audio on the map

This little exhibition features a selection of feathers people brought to the collection of feathers at hut, memories of a special encounter. The name of the person and the name of the birds are written with chalk along with a QR code to listen to the stories told by the protagonists, stories of love for Nature.


During several years we created a set of games and practices to facilitate the access to the intelligence of Nature. The process of gamification of knowledge is a way to emulate the excitment and the joy of being in nature. It is also a way to establish collabortive processes of learning and creating together.


An important part of the process of regeneration of the wetland is to identify the presence and status of species but also to identify the people bringing their knowledge, art and wisdom to the land. We use CGeomap, our open source based locative media editor we created, to geolocate public resources on an interactive app and web-app.



quieres conocer el proyecto con más detalles o compartir tu práctica, contactar!

Oika Spain Newsletter

We organize regular events at the wetland's wooden hut. If you want to know more about the wetland, we invite you to discover the Matruca yearly Stay tuned by joining the newletter!

this project is supported by the oika.com in the USA


Environmental regeneration from the Art practice
This project leaded by Fred Adam is a satellite in europe of the oika.com american project.
A concept and service maintained by the Locative Media Supercluster NGO , Fred Adam & Geert Vermeire.


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