Oika Spain residency

residence program at El Hondo wetland

Oika Spain has the support of the oika.com project to cover part of the costs of a creation residence in the wetland since the year 2022. This program has two modalities, the first is to invite artists and ecologists for a day to discover the wetland. The other modality aims to facilitate the residence of Oika artists in the wetland for several days. If the production of a work of art is not mandatory, the objective is to stimulate a collaboration between the wetland and the participant and create an audiovisual or performative result in any format and/or an interaction with the local community.


in Spain and the U.S.A

Become Oika certified and join the community. Participate in the virtual exhibitions, get advantage of the galllery and the Oikanomics shop. Link your creations to a biomarker and contribute to heal the planet and at the same time generate monetary support for your Art.








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2023 / 02

Art collective


Lelio Moehr (left), Sylvie Marchand and Lionel Camburet (right), a company of traveling artists inviting to think of the world differently, Gigacircus leads the public to experience its works as sensory journeys. A crossroads of versatile artists, Gigacircus links digital arts to public or natural space, while nurturing an intercultural dynamic on anthropological art issues.

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2023 / 02

Art Director at Onírica Mecánica

Jesús Nieto

Jesús Nieto, under the name Onírica Mecánica, builds poetic-mechanical-imaginary worlds for all those in love with the extraordinary. His work delves into recent memory and our relationship with technology.

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2022 / 12

preprando el programa de residencias con Nau Côclea

Clara Gari & Geert Vermeire

Clara Garí is an artist, a researcher, an art curator and a cultural manager. She is the co-founder and director of the Contemporary Art Centre, Nau Côclea, and of the walking programme the Grand Tour.

Geert Vermeire (Brazil/Belgium) is curator, artist, poet with a focus on spatial writing, locative sound & performance and social practices.

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2022 / 10

walking & ecotherapy artists

Elise Ashby & Stephanie Whitelaw

Stephanie Whitelaw cultiva compromisos personales con los paisajes locales, tanto físicos como digitales. Trabajando con temas de reciprocidad, explora diálogos con la naturaleza en contextos urbanos y rurales, a través de caminatas y creación de arte que responde al sitio. La ecoterapia se teje a través de sus obras participativas, construyendo espacios para una comprensión más profunda y colectiva de nuestra relación con el entorno natural.

Elise Ashby está interesada en los fundamentos del dibujo: la interacción de los materiales que dejan rastros de actividad y cómo esto refleja la relación material entre nuestros cuerpos sensoriales y nuestro entorno; Está interesada en cómo el dibujo puede explorar las cuestiones morales que encontramos sobre la base de la existencia material ahora e histórica.

As a collective, Elise Ashby & Stephanie Whitelaw, focus on ecological themes, in particular care for liminal spaces within communities and how they can activate dormant possibilities. Their practice is led by care, developing site-responsive works that seek to draw attention to the agency of living life forms. Through their work, they explore the interrelatedness of landscape through walking and the archiving of place.

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2023 / 03

artist, singer and educator

Chari Cámara

Revolutionary creative and educational art with @doctoracreativa - Founder of @mekiplay, games.

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2023 / 05

artist, animalier and runner

Verónica Perales

Her artistic production emerge at the confluence of art / technology / ecology, addressing questions related to biodiversity, environmental activism and ecofeminism.

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2023 / 10


Jofre Sebastian

Jofre Sebastian is an artist from Girona, a member of the network of artists at the Nau Côclea Art Center directed by Clara Gari.

The El Hondo wetland and the Vega Baja del Río Segura in general is a mosaic of highly diverse ecosystems of great environmental value.

a birds sanctuary, el Hondo wetland in Spain

More 150 different species of birds can be seen along the year at the wetland. It is a very important place for migrating birds, very unique in Spain and Europe.

a great variety of ecosystems

Wetlands, mountains, beaches, ravines, rivers and salt marshes form a complex and rich mosaic of varied ecosystems.

advocating for environmental restoration from the Art practice

The project is adressing how we can contribute to the healing of the land in collaboration with the local community and Nature. We envision an economic decentralized model based on Smart Contracts in the Blockchain to connect the value of the artworks and creative process with the land.

an Oika project

This project is an extension and continuity of the Oika.com project initiated by the naturalist and scientist Rich Blundell.

Autumn 2023
artist in residence - Jofre Sebastian

Jofre Sebastian is an artist from Girona, a member of the network of artists at the Nau Côclea Art Center directed by Clara Gari.

Spring 2023
artist in residence - Verónica Perales Blanco

Her artistic production emerge at the confluence of art / technology / ecology, addressing questions related to biodiversity, environmental activism and ecofeminism.

Spring 2023
artist in residence - Chari Cámara

Revolutionary creative and educational art with @doctoracreativa - Founder of @mekiplay, games.

Winter 2023
visiting artists - Gigacircus Art Collective

Company of traveling artists inviting to think of the world differently, Gigacircus leads the public to experience its works as sensory journeys. A crossroads of versatile artists, Gigacircus links digital arts to public or natural space, while nurturing an intercultural dynamic on anthropological art issues.

Winter 2023
visiting artist - Jesús Nieto

Jesús Nieto, under the name Onírica Mecánica, builds poetic-mechanical-imaginary worlds for all those in love with the extraordinary. His work delves into recent memory and our relationship with technology.

Winter 2022
visiting artists - Clara Gari & Geert Vermeire

Clara Garí es artista, investigadora, curadora de arte y gestora cultural. Es cofundadora y directora del Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Nau Côclea, y del programa de caminatas Grand Tour.

Geert Vermeire (Brasil/Bélgica) es curador, artista, poeta con un enfoque en escritura espacial, sonido locativo y performance y prácticas sociales.

Autumn 2022
visiting artists - Stephanie Whitelaw & Elise Ashby

Stephanie bio

Elise bio

Winter 2022
visiting artists - Cândida Borges & Gabriel Mario

Cândida is a pianist, singer, composer, songwriter, professor from Brazil. Also a multi-media artist and performer, she holds two artistic personalities, looking for fusion. Gabriel Mario is a Visual Artist, professor and researcher from Colombia. Post-doctor from the National University of Córdoba.

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this project is supported by the oika.com in the USA


Environmental regeneration from the Art practice
This project leaded by Fred Adam is a satellite in europe of the oika.com american project.
A concept and service maintained by the Locative Media Supercluster NGO , Fred Adam & Geert Vermeire.


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