ecological intelligence in the Blockchain
A serie of GIFs animated by ecological parameters from Nature like the preservation of the species, behaviours, visual aspects, mobility, climate and resilience.
There is no artificial intelligence or regenerative Art that will contribute to the preservation of nature until it connects the power of algorithms with the power of the intelligence of Nature. E.I NFT is exploring this gap by integrating real environmental data into Blockchain Art. A share of the sale of the NFT artworks goes back directly to the land and contributes to augmenting the monetary value of the NFT aligned with the healing of the land where the artwork comes from.
Each animation is carefully developed with previous research about the species and the ecosystem.
This proposal is built upon the promise of a sustainable Tezos Proof of Stake validation of the NFT's and condemns the Proof of Work vaildation for the high consumption of energy involved.
This artwork is the result of several years of collaboration with the scientist Rich Blundell and the oika.com project and time spent in Nature. It is an intend to introduce the intelligence from the wetland El Hondo into the world of NFT artworks. The originals signed by Blockchain technology, are for sale. A part of the transaction go to local environmental organizations.